
Five steps to manage your time better

Time is the fiber our life is made up of. It is the only great leveler in the world. All the people on this planet have been equally blessed with this resource. While multiple how-to manuals exist on how to manage your money, mastery of time is a subject often ignored in life.Here are five tips worth trying if you are looking to take charge of time in your life. Do not just believe me, but I hope you give them a try for certain number of days before you choose to discard them.1. Document your time: The fastest way to change a bad habit is to observe it for long period of time. Your mind automatically begins to get into action mode. Every morning when I get up I just take 5 minutes to write what I plan to do today in my personal life and professional life. Every evening when I retire to sleep, I spend 5 minutes again on the list and tick what I did or missed. Repeat this act for hundred days you can change any habit your wish you change. 2. Set goals: What do you plan to achieve over the next one year at your workplace? Do you have clarity on the kind of employee your organization wants you to be? Committed employees who are problem solvers are a rare breed.Every organization values them because they know that if they do not value the talent, some competitor will. Track your progress, take regular feedback and partner with your employer in your career goals.3. Create a ritual: What are your work rituals? Do you believe in upgrading your work skills regularly? When was the last time you did something to become a better and more efficient worker? Are you always looking for better, faster and more effective ways to solve your work-related tasks or do you apply the same solution to every problem.4. Stop doing what does not fulfill you: All the success stories in this world fall in two categories — do what you love or love everything that you do. You will achieve more within your limited time if you belong to one of these two categories. If you hate your work, every second will be like slow death. Learn to master your emotions and develop the skills that are needed to succeed in your profession. Remember bosses respect and notice smart people. It is the inefficient who get slaughtered first. A productive worker will always have multiple job offers to choose from. Become the most valuable talent in the industry.5. Live in a state of flow: Avoid over thinking and take action. You are not supposed to know everything about the future. It is good to have a plan but then come back to the present moment and start executing the plan. People live in their own mental imagery and then get disappointed if life does not turn out to be their way. Always handle your work problems with a smile and curiosity. Action is better than inaction and little thinking is better than over thinking. Thinking has a purpose but do not make it the only purpose of your life.