
Hema Malini denies land grabbing charge

BJP MP and actor Hema Malini today denied accusations of land grabbing levelled against her after the state government allotted her a 2000 sq metre land at Ambivali in Mumbai for her dance academy Natya Vihar Kala Kendra.RTI activist Anil Galgali had alleged that Hema was given land worth Rs 70 crore for a throw away pricing of Rs 70,000 by the BJP-led state government. Denying the charge, Hema said, “How can someone say I grabbed land. I have not paid any money yet for the land. I don’t even know how much I have to pay. I have not got land yet. I will pay according to the governmental rules and regulations and whatever they say is right.”Hema also made it clear that even if the cost is Rs 70 crore she will pay and purchase the land. “I will take the land at any cost as it is my dream to build a dance academy. This academy will be free of cost for all underprivileged kids. This academy will be made to promote classical dance which is deteriorating in our country. It is not for my personal benefit.”The actress also clarified that she would only be using 2000 sq metres out of the 29360 sqt meters of land for her dance academy. The rest of the land would be developed into a garden by her trust and given back to BMC. “It’s been a struggle for me for 20 years to get land to open a dance academy. In 1994 I asked for it and was allotted a land in 1997 which was later declared a CRZ zone. I was then shown a few other places which were not suitable for me. Later, this place called Ambivali was shown which looked suitable. I asked for 5000 sq.mtr and have now been allotted 2000 sq.mtr. I have also been asked to develop the rest of the area into a garden which will have a joggers park and other things for public and hand it back to BMC. That’s like a white elephant for me. Even I will have to take permission from BMC later to enter the garden.”Hema also stressed that the original land bought by her for Rs 10 lakh would be returned to the government after she is handed over the new land. The danseuse also rubbished allegations of receiving the land as a favour from the BJP led state government. Hema reasoned that her request for land was made 20 years ago and receiving the new plot had nothing to do with her being a BJP MP.