
PM happy with peaceful Eid

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today expressed her gratitude to the Almighty and extended thanks to the countrymen for holding the holy Eid-ul-Fitr amidst peaceful atmosphere and fanfare.

"In the grace of the Almighty, this year`s Eid has been celebrated in a peaceful manner without any disturbance, and it was possible as everybody was conscious and made their effort for holding the auspicious occasion in a quiet and calm atmosphere," she said.

The Prime Minister said this in a comment before media after exchanging Eid greetings with a cross section of people, party leaders and workers and professionals at her official residence Gonobhaban here.

"All Eid congregations across the country were completed peacefully without any untoward incident. For this, I express my gratitude to Allah Rabbul Al Amin," Sheikh Hasina said.

"May holy Eid brings more happiness and prosperity in every home as it comes after one month fasting carrying immense importance to our life," she added.

The Prime Minister said people of Bangladesh are progressing in terms of societal and economic context and they are celebrating Eid amidst happiness and joy. She hoped that the living standard of the people of Bangladesh would be further improved in coming days.

Sheikh Hasina said her government has envisaged building Bangladesh as a dreamland of Bangabandhu free from hunger and poverty. "We want to make the dream of Bangabandhu true," she said.

The Prime Minister paid rich tributes to the Father of the Nation, four national leaders and martyrs of independence and recalled the contribution of the mothers and sisters who made immense sacrifice for country`s independence, democracy and basic rights.

Bangladesh, a nation born at the cost of huge sacrifice, is progressing fast. The country has regained its dignity which it had lost on August 15, 1975 through killing of Bangabandhu, she said.

"Now Bangladesh has awakened again and its dignity has been enhanced. I want to build poverty and hunger free Bangladesh as dreamt by Father of the Nation," she added.

The Prime Minister sought support of every people irrespective of gender, age, creed and caste to build a prosperous and developed Bangladesh as cherished by Bangabandhu.

Sheikh Hasina said her government is making constant efforts for peoples` food security, ensuring healthcare services, education, housing and giving them with a decent life.

Aimed at making the country`s economy more strong, Sheikh Hasina said her government has undertaken a plan to set up 100 economic zones across the country.

She reassured the people that the next year budget would bring positive changes in the life of the people. The budget was given to make the country poverty free and life of people more prosperous, she said.

The gate of the Ganobhaban was opened for visitors at 9.30 am when people from all walks of life started coming after their Eid prayers and waited in a long queue to meet the Prime Minister. On the occasion the big lawn of Gonobhaban was tastefully decorated.

At the beginning, senior Awami League leaders and cabinet members greeted the Prime Minister by presenting her with bouquets of flowers.

Leaders of different political parties, parliament members, freedom fighters, leaders of associate bodies of Awami League, different professional and trade bodies as well as a cross section of people including beggars and destitute exchanged Eid greetings with the Prime Minister.

Like previous years, some of the visitors took the programme as an opportunity to draw attention of the top executive of the country to their woes and sufferings and sought her intervention and support to resolve those problems.

Later, the Prime Minister exchanged Eid greetings with judges of the Supreme Court, senior civil and military officials and envoys of different friendly countries at a separate programme on Gonobhaban lawn.

Chief Justice SK Sinha, Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Choudhury attended the function.

Source: BSS