
Death toll in road crash to be brought down 50pc by 2020: Quader

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Wednesday said the government determined to bring down the death toll and number of injures in the road accident 50 percent by 2020 across the country.

"As a signatory country for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) 2030 declared by the United Nations, Bangladesh is committed to bring down number of deaths and injures by 50 percent by 2020," he said this, while replying to a stared question from treasury bench member Begum Pinu Khan in the Jatiya Sangsad.

The minister said the government has been implementing projects, activities and programmes considering 3E (Engineering, Education and Enforcement) aimed at reducing road accidents in the country.

"With the ongoing activities by the ministry road accidents and death by accidents have been reducing gradually," Quader informed the House, adding that as an Engineering initiative of the 3E, the government has identified 227 black spots through examination of the country`s roads and highways network.

Meanwhile, the government has undertaken preventive measures on more than 100 black spots out of 227 across the country and the preventive measures would be taken at the rest of black spots by this year, he said.