
Mojaheed`s verdict on June 16

The Supreme Court is set to deliver its verdict on June 16 on the appeal filed by Jamaat-e-Islami leader Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojaheed challenging death penalty awarded to him for his wartime offences.After concluding hearing on the appeal, Chief Justice SK Sinha-led four-member bench of the Appellate Division fixed the date this morning.The International Crimes Tribunal-2 sentenced Mojaheed to death penalty on five out of seven charges, jailed him for life in one and sentenced him to five years in prison in another charge of war crimes brought against him.The tribunal mentioned Mojaheed as the leader of the death squad named Al-Badr, an auxiliary force for the Pakistani army, in its verdict.Seeking acquittal of all the charges against him, Mojaheed filed the appeal on August 11 the same year.SRJ