
Five health benefits of eating plums

This fruit with a stone is a sweet, and healthy way to satisfy your hunger. These are lesser known health benefits of plums.Good for bone healthPlums can substantially increase bone mineral density in the spine and forearms.Improve your memoryEating three to four antioxidant-rich prunes a day helps neutralize cell-damaging free radicals that affect your memory so snack smart to be sharp!Cleans your bowelsDried plums also known as prunes are a tried and tested way to regulate your bowel movements. Since each prune has one gram of fibre, eat them as is, or make a batch of softened prunes to keep in the fridge to during breakfast.Soak a few handfuls of prunes in freshly boiled water, cool and store in a covered jar in the fridge.Keeps sugar in checkPotassium helps in keeping high blood pressure in check thus reducing the risk of a stroke. One medium-sized fresh plum contains 113 mg of potassium which can be really helpful. The reddish-blue pigment in some plums, called anthocyanins, can also protect against cancer by mopping up harmful free radicals.Aids in lowering blood sugarPlums rank low on the glycemic index, which means eating them can help you control your blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes. TOI