
Own intelligence unit in ACC in the offing: Commissioner

Commissioner of Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) AFM Aminul Islam here today said own intelligence unit is going to be formed to find out the corrupt persons in the society.He added that the issue has been incorporated in priority list in implementation process of the ACC`s Five-year Strategic Work-plan. The intelligent unit will also collect information and do investigation side by side with the ACC officials.He was distributing prizes among the bests of District and Upazila Corruption Prevention Committees in Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions here today. He also addressed the function held in Shilpakala Academy auditorium as chief guest.ACC Director (Investigation) Md Muniruzzaman, Rajshahi divisional director Abdul Aziz Bhuiyan, Commissioner of Rajshahi division Noor-Ur-Rahman and Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Shafiqul Islam also spoke. Deputy Commissioner of Rajshahi Kazi Ashraf Uddin chaired the meeting.ACC Commissioner Aminul Islam said no more corrupt people could hide their black money as the intelligence unit will collect information and submit those to us. Instant action will be taken against those who will be found guilty. No one will go more unpunished after committing corruption, he warned.“We have taken initiative of forming intelligence unit for accurate investigation and to infuse dynamism in the investigation activities,” Aminul added.“We are going ahead and becoming stronger day by day,” he also said adding that the ACC arrested 450 officers-employees by this time. The figure will rise after formation of the unit.Later, the guests distributed prizes among the best corruption preventers on the occasion.Source: BSS