
Donald Trump Jr criticises London mayor after terror attack

President Donald Trump`s son has criticised London`s mayor, shortly after a terror attack on the UK capital that killed four people.Donald Trump Jr tweeted an article written last year, in which Sadiq Khan said terror vigilance had become "part and parcel" of life in a global city."You have to be kidding me?!" said Mr Trump, immediately sparking accusations that he was exploiting the tragedy and misrepresenting the mayor`s point.Dozens were hurt in the London attack.The assailant drove a car through pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and then fatally knifed a police officer who tried to stop him entering the Houses of Parliament. He was then shot dead.Two hours later, Mr Trump tweeted an article from the Independent newspaper in September 2016.The tweet added: "Terror attacks are part of living in a big city, says London Mayor Sadiq Khan."In it, Mr Khan was speaking shortly before a meeting with New York Mayor Bill De Blasio, on the day after three bombs exploded in New York City and nearby towns, wounding 29 people.The attacks had given him a sleepless night, he said, as he pondered the dangers faced by big Western cities like New York and London."Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you have to be prepared for these sorts of things, you have to be vigilant, you have to support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you have to support the security services," he said.On Wednesday, after the attack in Westminster, the mayor said that Londoners "will never be cowed by terrorism" and that the city stood together in the face of those seeking it harm.Mr Trump`s tweet incensed many British people on Twitter, including MP Wes Streeting, who called him a "disgrace" for exploiting the tragedy.Others accused him of implying that Mr Khan`s comments were made after the attack.Mr Khan, London`s first Muslim mayor, has previously clashed with Mr Trump`s father, in January denouncing the US president`s travel ban as "shameful and cruel".Last year, he accused the then-candidate Trump of being "ignorant" about Islam.Mr Trump responded by challenging the mayor to an IQ test.The president`s eldest son, who now manages his father`s business and has no White House role, has been accused of insensitivity before.During the election campaign, he sparked a swift backlash when he compared Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles, to justify not allowing any into the US.He has made no statements about his Khan tweet, telling the New York Times that he is not prepared to comment on every tweet.Source: BBC