
Healthy lifestyle is the key to reduce kidney disease risks

The World Kidney Day is observed on Thursday in second week of March every year across the globe. Accordingly, ‘World Kidney Day-2017’ will be observed worldwide on Thursday, March 9. The day mainly aims at informing people about the fear of kidney diseases and creating mass awareness about preventing this disease.

The theme of this year’s World Kidney Day is “Kidney Disease and obesity: Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidney”. Kidney diseases have been increasing in the world day by day in an epidemic form. More than 2 crore people in Bangladesh are affected by any form of kidney diseases. At least 5 people are dying untimely in every hour being affected by kidney disease. Generally people cannot understand that they are affected by this killer disease until 70-80 percent kidney damaged. Dialysis or kidney transplantation is the only way to survive when kidneys go damaged. On the other hand, the treatment cost of this disease is so high that even 10 percent of patients can’t afford this costly treatment.One third of population across the globe is overweight. Obese or overweight is risky for a number of life threatening diseases. Various studies suggest that nearly one fourth of people in Bangladesh are suffering from obesity. Obesity is one of the 10 main risks of people’s death. Currently in Bangladesh the non-communicable diseases (NCD) are responsible for more than 65 percent of death and obesity plays a central role behind these diseases. The diseases include Hypertension, Diabetes, heart disease, pain and decay in bone joint, sleep apnea or breathing obstruction in sleep, metabolic syndrome, mental discomfort, unhappiness, colon and breast cancer in women etc. Kidney disease directly related with obesity. Overweight directly damage the kidney while diabetes and hypertension is main reason for kidney failure which are directly linked to overweight.Tendency of gaining over weight is found more among the urban population due to the environmental causes. Nowadays, the same situation is marked in rural population due to lack of necessary health related knowledge and awareness.According to a study, some 21 percent of pregnant mothers are obese while 40 percent excessively overweight. It also said that only 33 percent mothers have normal weight. It concluded that the overweight causes death risks for both mother and baby. What to do to prevent obesity:Taking balanced and measured diet and practicing healthy lifestyle are very important for staying sound. Once someone gains overweight, it becomes harder to bring it under control. But if we can remain a bit aware of health and can follow a healthy lifestyle we must be able to save ourselves and our children from obesity.If children get breastfeeding for at least six months then there have less possibility of gaining over weight. We have to inspire our adolescents and youths for having physical exercise, games in field instead of sitting with computer, playing video games, running face book for long hours. Gradually we have to get them changing food habits. Parents have to work as the role model to children in inspiring them for healthy lifestyle.For adults the habit of consuming balanced diet which is less calorie and habit of giving physical labor and doing exercise regularly would contribute to keeping weight under control. Every day one have to walk at least 30 minutes in speed at least 5 days a week  and have to maintain a weight chart. If there have long time sitting works at office, you must walk sometimes and must have to make a habit of shunning lift and use stair cases in climbing up.People of all ages must avoid food with excess fat, sugar and calorie, fast food and in contrary they should take sufficient vegetables, fruits and fiber added items and whole meal. One has to take food only when he or she gets hungry and must avoid unnecessary food. Parents have to get habit of awarding other things instead of delicious foods to their children in rewarding them for good works. You must encourage your children to drink fresh water instead of beverage or soft drink. We know that city roads are narrow. Moreover they remain occupied by hawkers. Unfortunately, there have no playground in most schools. This can be fatal. Our city planners have to work on it. Practicing healthy lifestyle is the best policy. Children should also be encouraged to practice healthy lifestyle. Professor Dr. M A Samad is the Chief Consultant and Head, Department of Kidney at Labaid Specialised Hospital, Dhaka. He is also Founder & Chairman Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society