
Thousands seek immigrant rights in Portugal

Portugal, long a country of immigrants, has in many ways become a country of immigration. But in reality, no simple characterization fits perfectly. Last few months immigrants are not getting their basic human rights. Thousands of immigrants are staying and working in Portugal still now. They are also paying taxes to Portuguese social security by maintaining Portuguese immigration act (23/2007). But they`re not getting the residence and basic human rights. Many of immigrants didn`t receive their residence card after passing one year and more months. In the last few months illegal immigrants did two big demonstration and campaign. One was in the front of the Portuguese parliament and another was near the Bangladeshi community reside which is called Martim muniz. Solidarity immigrant activist jessica lopez said, “We still keep pressurizing to the government to change the immigration law. And our fight for the immigration rights will carry on till we get the rights for the immigrants. Another activist Francisco Miguel said, “This Government of the Socialist Party has had a policy of immigration similar to the Parties of the Extreme Right European. If this Government wants to have a democratic and credible emigration policy, it has to give a residence visa to all emigrants, especially to those who have a contract of employment, pay Social Security and pay their taxes to the Portuguese State. It is necessary to revoke SEF Order No. 7/2016 of 21 March and to amend the Law so that all have documents and human rights.” According to Bangladesh community of Portugal president Shah Alam Kazol said on the issue of the illegal immigrants of Bangladesh we shall continue dialogue with the Portuguese government and the SEF (Foreigners and Borders Service) at a higher level. We had several meeting with government most important personnel’s. They all are taking this issue as a serious issue of the country. And the Ruling government (Socialist party) also wants a stable immigration act for the immigrants, Shah Alam Kazol added. As a result of last few demonstrations, 65 first class Portuguese citizens showed up their solidarity for the immigrants. Most of them are famous Portuguese author, politician, journalist and many more retired government officials. Recently in the Portuguese parliament Portuguese communist party (PCP) and Bloco de esquerda proposed 2 bills in favor of immigrants. Immigrant’s community gives thanks and their satisfaction to PCP and bloco de esquerda for speaking out for the immigrants and their problems. Portuguese communist party (PCP) also showed the naturalization law, Immigrant children who born in Portugal they should get Portuguese residency by born in Portuguese territory, But practically it is not happening. Immigrant children’s are waiting and waiting more years to get the Portuguese citizenship. They don’t get health care and education facility until they have the citizenship. According to Bangladeshi community people - many of them said about this bill on the parliament, they said this is a proposal only. We had many promises in past. But nothing really happened yet, even SEF promised us to speed up their process. As consequences SEF are slower now than ever in history. Even they are not giving any new appointment for article 88.2 applicants. We don’t want any more promises, we need our legal rights. Now solidarity immigrant`s demand is immigrants who are already in Portugal and paying taxes by following Portuguese immigration act the residence card for them and also immigrant children who born in Portugal they should get the Portuguese citizenship without any barrier. To do it discussable in the parliament Solidarity immigrants start taking signature on the petition where 4500 signature needed. They already started the signature campaign for the petition.