
Health minister hailed for antismoking stance

Some antismoking organizations on Sunday felicitated Health and Family Welfare Minister Mohammad Nasim for declaring smokers as ineligible for admission to MBBS and BDS classes.A delegation of leaders of different antismoking organizations called on the minister at health ministry and thanked him for the decision.Jatiya Jakkha Nirodh Samity Vice-President Mozaffar Hossain Paltu led the delegation, said an official release.The delegation assured the minister of all cooperation to implement the decision.Speaking on the occasion, Mohammad Nasim said the campaign against smoking should start from among the educated and conscious citizens.From this viewpoint, the admission seekers of medical science have been asked to submit nonsmoker certificates, he added.The minister said initiatives would be taken to implement the decision from the academic year 2016-17.State minister for Health Zahid Malek, Health Secretary Syed Manjurul Islam, Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA) Secretary General Prof. Dr. Iqbal Arsalan, senior officials and leaders of different antismoking organizations were present at the meeting.Earlier, a delegation of Bangladesh Dental Society called on the health minister.The minister told the delegation that initiatives would be taken to create posts of senior dental surgeon at all upazila hospitals and junior consultant at district hospitals.He also gave assurances of creating 928 posts of dentists across the country and upgrading the dental units at Chittagong and Rajshahi Medical Colleges to dental colleges.Bangladesh Dental Society President Prof. Dr. Abul Quashem and Secretary General Dr. Humayun Kabir were present, among others, on the occasion.