
Bangladesh decides to recognize Kosovo

Bangladesh today decided to formally recognize Kosovo with the cabinet approving a proposal for extending recognition to the southeastern European state.“The cabinet gave its nod to the proposal for recognizing Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state,” Cabinet Secretary M Shafiul Alam told newsmen emerging from the weekly cabinet meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.Bangladesh, he said, would be the 114th country to recognize the independence of Kosovo since its declaration of independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008.Alam said so far 113 countries including the United States, UK, France and 36 OIC countries out of 57 have recognized Kosovo.Serbia lost control of Kosovo when NATO air strikes forced Belgrade to withdraw its troops in 1999 while the military alliance still has around 5,000 troops stationed in Kosovo to keep the fragile peace.Serbia, its ally Russia and several other countries also refused to recognize Kosovo`s 2008 independence.Source: BSS