
Municipal election tomorrow

The voters will exercise their franchise tomorrow to elect mayors and councilors in 234 municipalities.This is for the first time mayoral election is going to be held on party line. Through this election major parties like Awami League and Bangladesh Nationalist Party could judge, where they stand in respect of public support. According to source, 970 executive magistrates and 234 judicial magistrates will be in the field during the elections to 234 municipalities. The whole election process would monitor through the local poll observers. A total of 30 organizations have sought the EC’s nod to observe the municipal election. Local observers will be permitted considering their past credentials. Complaints from the local level administration would also be considered while offering permission. Although, a good number of registered political parties filed their candidates in election but main battle will be limited within Awami League and BNP.The registration of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh was cancelled because of its anti-liberation role. The Jamaat candidates are contesting as independent candidates. They are within 20-party alliance, but they refused to use ‘sheaf of paddy’ as their election symbol.