
PM urges new generation to advance country holding Liberation War

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today urged the young generation to advance the country on right track by holding the spirit of the War of Liberation War."We have to go as we are becoming older, but I will urge the young generation to take forward the country on right path being imbued with the spirit of the Liberation War and none can play ducks and drakes with the fate of the people," she said.The premier said this while participating in a discussion on the obituary reference on veteran parliamentarian and Awami League leader Suranjit Sengupta.The leader of the House also called on the new generation to work for building a hunger and poverty-free Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman."Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman liberated this country with an ideology and aim and we have been working ceaselessly to implement that ideology and achieve that goal," she said.Sheikh Hasina said that the military rulers tempered country`s sacred constitution when they usurped power and drove away the country from the spirit of the Liberation War."We have reestablished the spirit of the Liberation War and ignited that among the common people after a long struggle. And in this way of struggle, one of our companions was Suranjit Sengupta," she said.Paying rich tributes to Suranjit Sengupta, the prime minister briefly described the struggle of his life where he faced numerous obstacles to his way of politics.Sheikh Hasina said his (Suranjit) son was mentally affected when the army personnel broke his bed room during the regime of military ruler Ershad to nab him and hit him with rifles."His son could not absorb that scene and got shock psychologically. Later his son was sent to Canada for treatment and it took a long time to bring him in normal life," she said.Praising Suranjit`s role in realizing rights of the common people, the premier said he used to practise non-communal progressive politics and believe in democratic trend.The prime minister said 24 Awami League leaders were killed and many others including Suranjit Sengupta suffered splinter injuries in the grisly grenade attack that was carried out on an Awami League rally on August 21 in 2004."After the attack, we were not allowed to speak in parliament, rather the BNP ridiculed with us centering that attack. The BNP members at that time also said that I carried the grenades in my vanity bag," she said.The premier recalled the checkered political career of Suranjit Sengupta, saying that his death is an irreparable loss to the country`s political arena.Sheikh Hasina also remembered his contributions to strengthening parliamentary democracy and said he played a significant role in framing the country`s constitution."The country has also lost an experienced parliamentarian in his death," she said.The prime minister prayed for salvation of the departed soul and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family members.Earlier, Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury moved the obituary reference in the House at the very beginning of the day`s business.After adopting the condolence motion, the day’s scheduled businesses were suspended as per the convention.

Source : BSS