
Simple ways to make the world a better place

We all want to do our bit during the season of giving but sometimes it feels like there are an overwhelming number of causes that need support.While you can’t help everyone, even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, or time to volunteer, the smallest gesture can make a difference.Here are some simple ways you can contribute towards making the world a better place:EAT LESS MEATYou don’t have to become vegetarian but just cutting back on meat could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by livestock and minimize water usage required to sustain the meat industry.BUY ETHICAL PRODUCTSFree-range eggs and other products are readily available in supermarkets but if you can’t afford to switch over all your groceries, just try swapping over one item in your shopping basket. CALL OUT RACISM/SEXISMWe’ve all been in an uncomfortable situation at one of those family gatherings where the politically incorrect uncle, in-law or granny makes a racist, sexist or homophobic comment. Rather than just laughing uncomfortably, maybe it’s time to state gently that you don’t agree with their views.BUY A BOOK, ALBUM OR MOVIEHelp out a starving artist and actually pay for that book, album or movie you will be enjoying over the holidays.CROWD-FUNDINGThere are many people out there trying to make a difference and would benefit from even the smallest online donation. specializes in crowd-funding for social causes. Or develop your own project and raise money for it.BRING A DISHThe Welcome Dinner Project connects newly arrived people with established Australians over dinner conversation in the comfort of their own home. You can volunteer to host a dinner or to attend one. Everyone brings a dish to share and the aim is to spark friendships with people of diverse cultures who live in your neighborhood.GO THROUGH YOUR PANTRYIf you are one of those people who keep buying cans of food you forget to use, then clear out your cupboards and donate your unopened products to a food bank. There are heaps of organizations that gratefully accept groceries to give to the needy.CONSIDER SECOND-HANDIf you need a new outfit for Christmas, or even some new plates/cups/cutlery to cater for those extra people at your festive gathering, check out second-hand shops or websites such as eBay or Gum tree before heading to the shops. DONATEEven if you are not keen to give money on a regular basis, Christmas is a great time of year to provide a one-off contribution to your favorite charity, whether that be the local animal shelter, favorite community radio station, Wikipedia or Salvation Army.