
Kushtia AL factional clash kills 1

A man was killed and ten others were injured as two factions of local Awami League locked into clash over establishing supremacy in Kushtia sadar upazila on Friday morning.The deceased was identified as Idris Ali, 45, son of late Gofur of the upazila. After the incident, a tense situation was prevailing in the area.The clash ensued at Jiarmukhi union between the two rival groups: one led by Abdul Kader, General Secretary of the union AL and the other by Afzal Hosen, president of ward AL. Followers of Kader and Hosen locked in an altercation around 8am today over establishing supremacy. At one stage, they engaged in clash and follower of Hosen Idris Ali was killed on the spot.Rabiul Islam, officer-in-charge of Kushtia Model Police Station, told that body of the deceased was sent to Kushtia General Hospital morgue. Additional police were deployed on the spot to control further untoward situation, he added.