
Kejriwal takes oath

Exactly a year after resigning from the same post, Aam Aadmi Party convener Arvind Kejriwal has taken oath to become the 7th chief minister of Delhi on Saturday. For the 2nd time in history of Delhi CM’s swearing in ceremony held in the open. His first swearing-in ceremony in 2013 was also held in the open. Nearly a lakh people from across the country are expected to attend the ceremony. Delhi will become India`s first corruption-less state, said CM Kejriwal while addressing the grand rally. After taking oath, Kejriwal addressed the massive crowd unveiling the priorities of his government. “We will bring Jan Lokpal bill as soon as possible…We will also try to make Delhi the first corruption-free city in the country,” he said. 46-year-old Kejriwal, in a radio message, had invited people of Delhi to his swearing in ceremony at the Ramlila ground –the protest venue of the anti-graft campaign over three years ago. Kejriwal had also invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the oath-taking ceremony but Modi could not attend the event as he had some prior engagements in Maharashtra today.