
Khaleda Zia expresses no-confidence

The lawyer of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia brought out the no-confidence allegation against Judge Abu Ahmed Jamadar of Special Judge Court-3 in the Zia Orphanage and Zia Charitable Trust graft cases.The BNP chief reached the court in Bakshi Bazar area around 11:25 am on Thursday.Today, she will be defending herself in the Zia Charitable Trust case and attending the further hearing of Zia Orphanage case.In 2008, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed a case against six people, including Khaleda Zia and her eldest son Tarique Rahman, for allegedly misusing Tk2.1 crore from the funds of the Zia Orphanage Trust.In 2011, the ACC accused the BNP chief and three others of misappropriating Tk3.15 crore from the Zia Charitable Trust fund.