
Election in mind, political parties preparing grounds

All 31 registered political parties took part in dialogue with President Abdul Hamid over forming Election Commission as the tenure of the current Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad-led EC will be expired in February.Political parties including ruling Awami League and top opposition party BNP are active centering reconstruction of EC as the commission will hold next general election.Seeing recent activities of the leaders of different political parties, political observers say that the parties keeping next general election in mind are preparing for the election.It became clearer when Awami League president and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called upon her party men to be prepared for the next general election. She made the call while addressing at the national council of the party on 22 and 23 October, 2016.Before visiting Netherlands, the premier said that the next parliamentary polls would be very tough for them and asked her party leaders to start preparation for it from then on.She also asked leaders and lawmakers to frequently visit their areas and stay in touch with party activists and voters.About election manifesto of Awami League, the chief of the party said that the work had already been started.The very next day of her speech, the second-in-command of the party Obaidul Qader said election manifesto would be completed in next three months.Seeking anonymity a number of Awami League leaders said they are yet to know whether the next general election would be held in advance or not. However they are preparing for election as per direction of high command.Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) secretary Badiul Alam Majumder said, “The leaders of Awami League believed that their party is the most popular. However, it is not comprehensible why they are taking so much preparation.”“The party presents Padma Bridge to the people as the most success of the government. As the work is not being completed very soon, so the polls are not supposed to be held in advance. Whether the work will be completed in this tenure or not, that is also a question.”Local government expert Professor Tofail Ahmed said, “The government claims itself as the most popular one. So there must have a question why they are preparing in so advance. However, let the EC to be formed.”


(The article originally published in Bangla edition of Jagonews24.com is written in English by Zahidul Islam)