
Anti-Rampal protesters to hold countrywide demo Saturday

Anti-Rampal power plant protesters will hold countrywide demonstration on Saturday in protest of attack on them by police during their eight-hour hartal in the capital.Professor Anu Muhammad, Member Secretary of the National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports, announced the programme on Thursday noon.He said that, they will hold countrywide stage demonstration programme on 28 January, countrywide sit-in on February 25 and grand gathering in Khunla on March 11. Earlier, Police dispersed the anti-Rampal power plant protesters using water cannons and firing tear gas shells after their procession reached Shahbagh intersection in the capital during their 8-hartal on Thursday morning.The eight-hour hartal to press home 7-point demand, including, scrapping coal-based Rampal power plant near the Sunderbans, began at 6am, in the capital.