
BNP contesting polls in alliance: Fakhrul

BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said their party is there in the municipal election under the banner of 20-party alliance.“It’s clear we’re in the election under our alliance’s banner. Though we’ve problem in a few municipalities, of course we’ve an understanding (with our alliance partners),” he said.About Jamaat, the BNP leader further said, “Jamaat is not in the election race since it doesn’t have its election symbol. So, how do you consider Jamaat as it’s separately contesting the polls?” he told reporters after the first meeting of the party’s ‘central election monitoring cell’.Asked about BNP’s rebel candidates, he said BNP has got only a few dissent mayoral contestants in the election. “Most of them (rebel) withdrew their candidatures. Only one or two are still in the race. We hope they’ll also retreat from the polls.”The BNP leader said they still did not take any decision to expel the BNP men those who are contesting the polls ignoring party’s decision.Replying to another question whether their party will extend its support to any other contestants in the municipalities where BNP has no its nominated candidates, he replied in the negative.Asked whether their party chief will join electioneering, Fakhrul said they are yet to take any decision in this regard.