
Bangladesh, Norway to work together to achieve SDGs

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed satisfaction over Bangladesh’s excellent relations with Norway and laid importance on working together for a successful implementation of SDGs.The prime minister said this when newly appointed Norwegian Ambassador to Bangladesh Sidsel Bleken made a courtesy call on her at her Tejgaon office on Wednesday.Sheikh Hasina assured the new envoy of extending all possible support in discharging her duties in Bangladesh, PM`s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim said after the meeting.Karim said the prime minister and the ambassador discussed the ways of boosting relations between the two countries including cooperation in the areas of climate change, trade and energy sector.The prime minister said Bangladesh would welcome investment from Norway particularly in the special economic zones. Norway can invest in the fisheries, pharmaceutical, leather goods, ship building sectors.The prime minister said Bangladesh would also welcome cooperation in the energy sector and seismic survey in the sea.As the issue of climate change came in their discussions, the prime minister said, "after Paris Agreement we are hopeful of addressing global warming and adverse impacts of climate change.In this regard the prime minister highlighted the programmes taken by Bangladesh for social afforestation, construction of green belt in the coastal areas and other carbon neutral projects.Bangladesh has launched climate change programmes with its own fund, she said adding that the issues of environment are being given priority in the development activities.The Norwegian ambassador said she finds Bangladesh as a very interesting country. She also attached importance to enhancing business cooperation between the two countries.Appreciating the economic growth of Bangladesh, Bleken said it`s a good sign for Bangladesh`s future. Export of Bangladesh to Norway has been increased by 60 percent during the period from 2012 to 2015, she said.She praised Bangladesh`s success in achieving the MDGs and hoped that the county would show encouraging success in implementing the SDGs.The ambassador said Norway is interested to work with Bangladesh in the energy sector. She also attached importance to working together on climate change issues.PMO Secretary Suraiya Begum was present on the occasion.Source: BSS