
This lifestyle can boost your health

One of the world`s healthiest diet patterns is the Mediterranean diet. Research suggests that the Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower risk of dying from cancer and heart disease. People eating this way are also less likely to get Alzheimer`s disease and Parkinson`s disease.Here are some ways you can promote your health and wellness by incorporating some of the Mediterranean lifestyle into your gatherings, big and small.1. Serve family styleInstead of plating individual dishes for each of your guests, bring your meal to the table in large platters, so your guests can serve themselves. This allows individuals to take as much or as little as they`d like and keeps the meal interactive.2. Don`t forget the wine!Wine is arguably one of the most lauded parts of the Mediterranean diet. What Mediterranean would be without wine "Italians consume about 10 gallons of wine per person per year," says Beppe D`Andrea, spokesperson for Ruffino wines. "Wine in the Italian culture is seen as sustenance." Red wine is rich in flavonoids, compounds that help lower inflammation and may have heart health benefits. 3. Take time to savour The Mediterranean lifestyle is all about taking time to enjoy your food and wine with family and friends. Meals often take hours rather than minutes as they do in North America.We`ve all heard from our grandparents that eating slowly helps improve digestion. It may also be helpful in preventing and managing obesity by causing us to eat less. A recent study in obese women found that when the women ate a meal over 40 minutes, their metabolism was higher after the meal compared to when the women ate the same meal in 10 minutes. Eating the meal more slowly also led to higher levels of adiponectin, a hormone that helps you feel full. 4. Go for an after-dinner strollIt`s been all over the news this past year: sitting is the new smoking. Spending most of our days sitting is linked to a higher risk of a host of chronic diseases and health problems, including obesity, heart disease, sleep, and psychological disorders. While I`m not suggesting you take away the dinner table and make everyone stand, find time during your gathering to get up and get moving. When everyone is finished eating, clear the plates, let them soak in the sink, and then enjoy a walk together."Italians often go for a passeggiata -- a leisurely stroll -- after lunch or dinner," Beppe says. "It`s a social ritual that brings multiple generations together in the community."