
Couple recreates wedding photos 70 years later!

A Chinese couple recently celebrated their 70th anniversary by recreating their original wedding photos. Cao Yuehua and Wang Deyi married on November 24, 1945, in Northern Hot Springs Park in southwest China, CNN reported. With the help of their four children, the couple relived their wedding day in the same location last week. ‘They have been together for so long, going through the war, the political turmoil and diseases, and can still stay with each other and love each other. We want to help them to commemorate their love,’ the couple`s son, Cao Pangpei told CNN. During World War II, Cao acted as an interpreter for an American general in Israel, CNN reported. While separated by war, the couple wrote each other love letters and sent poems. ‘My parents are 98 this year. Nowadays, they can barely remember many things in their life, but they can recite the love poems they wrote to each other during the wartime,’ the younger Cao told CNN.The couple plan to return to the same spot when they turn 100, according to CNN