Chittagong Vikings bowler Taskin Ahmed said that he is proud of being a Bangladeshi pacer as Bangladeshi bowlers are in leading position of the most wickets takers’ list in ongoing Bangladesh Premier League (BPL).In the past, the teams used to rely on foreign pacers to hunt wickets but things have changed now as many local seam bowlers have emerged and shown their talent.“By the grace of Allah, local players are now performing well. It is an exciting thing that Shafiul bhai, Shaheed bhai and I are getting wickets,” Taskin Ahmed said while he was speaking with journalists at Mirpur Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium on Wednesday.“I am proud of being a Bangladeshi pacer,” he said. Taskin holds the third position jointly with Shaheed with 15 wickets each, while Afgan spinner Mohammad Nabi (17) and Shafiul Islam (16) hold the first two positions of the most wickets.