
Dhaka ranks 17th in cities with the worst quality of life

Dhaka is ranked in the 17th position of the cities with the worst quality of life in the world tend to have the toxic mix of political stability, crime, as well as low standards of living.Every year, Mercer, one of the world’s largest HR consultancy firms, releases its Quality of Living Index, which looks at the cities that provide the best quality of life.Now we take a look at what cities are ranked as providing the worst quality of life.The ranking is one of the most comprehensive of its kind and is carried out annually to help multinational companies and other employers compensate employees fairly when placing them on international assignments, according to Mercer.Looking at 450 cities across the world, Mercer takes into account the following metrics to judge which cities made the list for the best quality of life - which therefore shows what it feels are the best and worst:•    Political and social environment (political stability, crime, law enforcement)

•    Economic environment (currency-exchange regulations, banking services)

•    Socio-cultural environment (media availability and censorship, limitations on personal freedom)

•    Medical and health considerations (medical supplies and services, infectious diseases, sewage, waste disposal, air pollution)

•    Schools and education (standards and availability of international schools)

•    Public services and transportation (electricity, water, public transportation, traffic congestion)

•    Recreation (restaurants, theatres, cinemas, sports and leisure)

•    Consumer goods (availability of food/daily consumption items, cars)

•    Housing (rental housing, household appliances, furniture, maintenance services)

•    Natural environment (climate, record of natural disasters)Mercer made a list of 230 countries, and we took a look at the bottom 17 in the world:17. Dhaka, Bangladesh - Dhaka is one of the world’s most populated cities and its garment exports bolsters its economy. But working conditions and human rights, as well as local poverty for a bulk of its citizens, are criticised and under scrutiny by world governments and charities.16. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - The city is under continual threat of terrorist attacks and earlier this year, an Al-Qaeda bombing on a popular hotel killed 29 people.15. Tripoli, Libya - The city was carved up by two rival warlords last year and even the main airport was destroyed in the summer of 2015 and all the main embassies have been closed down. Migrants and refugees are also flooding into the country due to its proximity with Europe.14. Niamey, Niger — Protests, governmental corruption, and local poverty place this city onto the list.13. Antananarivo, Madagascar — The city, and the rest of the country, depends on agriculture for its economic growth. However political instability hinders any chance of continuous development.12. Bamako, Mali — The city was rocked by terrorist attacks last year when Islamist militants took 170 hostages and killed 20 of them in a mass shooting at the Radisson Blu hotel.11. Nouakchott, Mauritania — The city was originally a small village of little importance until 1958 until growing rapidly into one of the biggest cities in the Sahara. However, overcrowding, droughts, and poverty have helped fill the city with slums.10. Conakry, Guinea Republic — The port city is riddled with personal safety issues. Violent crime, protests, and strikes wreak havoc in Conakry.9. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo — Ethnic nationalist conflict is rife in the city and NGOs have tried to step in to provide aid and food relief to the city and the rest of the country.8. Brazzaville, Congo — Government corruption has triggered huge protests in the city which led to a number of people being killed by the police.7. Damascus, Syria — Mercer says the city has "witnessed continual violence and terrorist attacks that weigh upon the daily life of locals and expatriates."6. N’Djamena, Chad — The city in one of the world’s poorest countries has suffered at the hands of militant Islamist group Boko Haram. The group carries out frequent suicide bombings in the city.5. Khartoum, Sudan — It’s the second largest city in Sudan and is a key recruiting ground for ISIS.4. Port Au Prince, Haiti — The city is rife with violent crime and is dangerous for travellers. Rapes and robberies are common and there is a worrying growth in vigilante violence.3. Sana’a, Yemen — The largest city in Yemen has been devastated by airstrikes from Saudi Arabia as the country has become a battleground in the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.2. Bangui, Central African Republic — The capital city is incredibly poor and many citizens rely on aid for survival. On top of that, violent sectarian clashes erupt regularly in the area.1. Baghdad, Iraq — The capital city has suffered severe infrastructural damage from several wars and continual on the ground violence. It continues to face threats from ISIS.

Source: The Independent