
Increase budget for children, Unicef urges Bangladesh government

The United Nations Children’s Fund has urged the Bangladesh government to increase the proportion of national budget allocation for child-related initiatives from 14 per cent in 2016 to 20 per cent by 2020.The UN organization made the urge at the launch of ‘Shishuder Budget Patth Shohaika (Child Friendly Version of the National Budget of Bangladesh’)’, a joint publication prepared by the Finance Division and UNICEF Bangladesh held  at CIRDAP conference hall in Dhaka.Speaking at the launching, Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said that children can come up with ideas about their recommendations for the national 2017-2018 budget.The minister said that his ministry will consider recommendations of children. He said that children can send email or letters to the ministry with their recommendations.The minister maintained that children have better opinions.Speaking at the programme, UNICEF Bangladesh Representative, Edouard Beigbeder said ‘The national budget is an important instrument in ensuring adequate and equitable resource allocation for children. It is now increasingly acknowledged that children hold the key to development. No investment will be more effective and efficient than to invest in children to give them a good start in life.’While urging the government to increase the proportion of national budget allocation for child-related initiatives, Beigbeder also suggested the establishment of a permanent Child Focus Budget Unit at the Finance Division to provide technical support to all other relevant ministries/agencies.The publication has been prepared to increase awareness on public finance processes among adolescent boys and girls and the impact it has on their wellbeing.The Finance Division, with the assistance of the Ministry of Education, has decided to distribute and discuss the contents of the publication in all secondary educational institutions to empower adolescents to contribute more in raising their needs in a systematic manner while having consultation with them on budgetary discussions in coming years.At the same time, the Finance Division with the support of UNICEF is enhancing the capacity of seven ministries (e.g. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Ministry of Social Welfare, and Local Government Division) to create better awareness of child focused budgeting.Among others, state minister for Finance M A Mannan, secretary for the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs Nasima Begum, ndc, Finance Division Secretary Mahbub Ahmed, Unicef Bangladesh representative Edouard Beigbeder were present at the programme.