
20,783 recruitments in 7 BCS exams during this govt: Ashraful

Public Administration Minister Syed Ashraful Islam on Tuesday said the present government recommended for the recruitment of 20,783 candidates in seven Bangladesh civil Service (BCS) examinations from 2009 to 2015.In reply to query of treasury bench member Begum Mahjabeen Khaled, he said this during the question and answer session in the Jatiya Sangsad, with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair."The preliminary test of the 36th BCS will be held on January 8 next year," the minister said expressing the hope that the circular of the 37th BCS examination would be issued in the same month in 2016.Presenting a statistics in the House, he said 2,177 candidates got jobs through the 34th BCS, 2013, some 8,506 were recruited in the 33rd BCS test in 2012, 1675 in the 32nd BCS examination held in 2012, 2098 people through the 32nd Special BCS exam of 2011, 2385 people were recruited through 30th BCS in 2010, 1747 examinees of 29th BCS were recommended for recruitment and 2195 candidates also got jobs through 28th BCS.The Public Administration minister further said that a list of 5,170 candidates, who successfully passed the 34th BCS earlier but not appointed due to lack of vacant posts, has been sought for their incorporation in the vacant posts.