
Hurling bombs cannot paralyze development: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said development activities initiated by her government could not be paralyzed by creating any turmoil situation in the country."The pace of development could not be stopped by hurling few bombs or pelting stones. They are wrong who are doing this," she said laying foundation of Padma (Jashaldia) Water Treatment Plant (first phase).Addressing a function on the occasion at a city hotel the Prime Minister said a vested section doesn`t like our development activities and nation`s progress and they are out to frustrate the development efforts when people remain in peace and comfort.Holding BNP-Jamaat clique responsible for the subversive activities she said they burnt down most of the public and private buses we have procured for commuters causing immense sufferings of the people."They are now moving with a orchestrated plan to kill foreigners to making the situation unstable after their abortive attempt to cripple the country by killing local people," the prime minister said adding that people now clearly aware about the perpetrators of the recent occurrences.Minister for Local Government and Cooperatives Engineer Mosharraf Hossain presided over the function while Managing Director of Dhaka Wasa Taksem A Khan gave welcome address.Chinese ambassador Ma Mingquing and Ms. Luo Yan, chairman and president of China CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd, constructing company of project and secretary of Local Government Division Abdul Malek attended the function as guests.The Prime Minister said her government has ensured equal development of urban and rural areas and reduce the economic disparity between rich and poor which is the basic theme development.Sheikh Hasina said her government have never given indulgence to any injustice in the past and it would not happen in future also. Pointing her government`s steadfast stand against the terrorists and militants she said Bangladesh is not a place for them.In this regard the Prime Minister sought support of people of all strata saying the government needs cooperation of every people to combat the evil force to continue the pace of development and achieve the cherished goal of economic prosperity.